Beekeeping in South Western Ontario

Beekeeping Jobs 2025

Beekeeper Tech

in 2025, we are looking for an experienced beekeeper who is interested in building a long-term working relationship. 

Beekeeper Job Description

We are looking for someone who, within 2 years, will be able to run a crew managing hives. Beekeeper job requires someone with project management skills, HR training, beekeeping education and or experience, and good communication skills.

This is a physically demanding job suited to someone who likes being outside and working with a team. The job is demanding Mid May to the end of July. We do not work December to February.

Duties include:

  • Managing a minimum of 150 hives
    • inspections, disease treatment and prevention
    • splits, swarm prevention, 
    • overwintering
    • feeding
    • honey harvest
  • Leading two or three summer workers through the swarm season and honey harvest. 
  • project management
    • spring nuc production
    • Honey and Pollen harvest
    • Ability to work independently, and coordinate with other teams.
  •  Skills Needed
    • Must have a valid driver’s license
    • May be driving a Skidsteer
    • Food Handling certificate
    • Organization skills and data keeping
    • Accel database
  •  Optional –  Extra Skills
  • We would be interested in someone who has experience grafting queens. 
  • experience driving a skid steer. 
  • experience harvesting honey. 
  • experience with access databases. 
  • Woodworking experience
  • The season starts about April 15 and runs through to Mid September. However, we are on the look out for a full time, year round, employee. 
  • Compensation:
  • $17.20 to $20 depending on experience. 
  • We will drive you between bee yards, but you need to drive yourself to the ride. We cannot pick you up at your home. 


  • There are no porta-potties at the bee yards. 
  • We are in the bee yards, dressed and ready to work, at 8am. The day ends when the work ends. Usually 6 to 10 hours. Roughly 8 hours a day. 
  • There is weekend work. 

If you are interested, email

beekeeper job opportunity